PII - Totally FREE Health Information!

You can solve most problems
with water and food!

The most beneficial foods for your heart and circulation are water, red beets, sauerkraute, garlic, onion, ginger and other 'hot' spices!

The first key to a healthy heart and blood supply is a healthy liver.
Damage your livers functions and your health is in serious trouble.

 The two best foods for keeping your liver healthy are red beets
 and sauerkraute! Red beets are of course easy to include with any meal
 but make a poor snack food. Sauerkraute makes an excellent snack and is
 easy to get used to, as there are so many flavors available. The Bavarian
 style has sugar and caraway added, making it non-sour and tasty alone.

To help flush out the excess materials in your blood, it is important to consume at least 3 quarts of water a day. The prefered quantity is a gallon a day! The Army suggests their soldiers drink 2 gallons a day to help maintain good health. That is 16.7 pounds of water or less then 10% of the average persons weight. I have checked my rabbit and it will drink as much as 30% of its body weight when eating dry pellets!

DEMINERALIZED OR DISTILLED WATER (only 60 cents/gallon) IS PREFERRED FOR THE BEST RESULTS. You should not count the water in coffee, tea, alcohol or sodas as they are all dehydraters. You might like to read about "Your bodies many cries for water" written by F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. at his web site http://www.watercure.com! He found many ills are no more then cellular level dehydration; like asthma, peptic ulsers, hypertension, heartburn, rheumatoid pain, headaches, etc.

The Second Key is preventing blood clotting!

The second concern with your aging heart is to prevent blood clots, which can cause a heart attack or stroke, as your arteries become less flexible and accumulate deposits. The normal treatment is to take aspirin or anti-clotting drugs, but both of these have undesireable side effects. The best natural treatment is ginger! About 1/2 a teaspoon a day of powdered ginger will not only thin your blood more effectively then garlic or onions but also reduces blood pressure, stimulates the heart and reduces cholesterol levels. It is also a far better motion-sickness drug then Dramamine, at just a 1/2 teaspoon dose. It is also safer as it will not produce drowsyness like Dramamine, working in the gut instead of in the brain.

Other hot spices have similar effects but ginger is proven te be the most effective! When I started taking it I mixed it into orange marmalade and it was so tasty I even used it on my cereal instead of sugar! Also, to help get down a gallon of bland water a day I found a 1/4 teaspoon per glass gave it an excellent flavor, like sugar free gingerale! In the Orient, where natural medicine is more the norm, it is found to be a common ingredient in 50% of their multi-item prescriptions!

We hope this has been helpful, please bookmark it for a friend!

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