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You can do faith healing!


 HOW DO I KNOW? Well, I was able to dissolve an
 acorn sized fibrosis of the breast in just two
 days and a nasty spider bite overnight! 

There is nothing odd ball or quackery about faith healing! It is very simply having enough faith to allow your body to heal itself!

I always thought it was some voodoo, mystical mumbo jumbo until I read a little book which clearly explained how we heal ourselves. Quite simple put, all living things heal themselves on a daily basis! You grow new hair, nails and skin don't you, without a trip to the doctor for a special prescription? Less obvious repairs are new blood cells, new bone, new nerves, etc. In fact, the average person grows about a half cubic inch of new parts daily and tears down and disposes of about the same amount of damaged, dead or broken cells.

Now comes the 'miracle' part - WHAT IF YOU COULD TELL YOUR BRAIN:

" Just forget about making new hair and nails and skin today - lets put all our effort on repairing the broken bone (or whatever)."

That is faith healing, the deep concentration by you or others to tell the right side of your brain to concentrate on and put more effort into healing a specific problem.

I got interested in faith healing in 1978 when a friend of mine wrote a book entitled:

"HEALERS and The Healing Process" by George Meeks,

a report on ten years research by 14 world experts, in paranormal healing. It was very interesting and revealing but did not convince me that I could heal. He referred to 'special' people with gifts etc. The self confidence that I could heal came when I read the above basics about everyday healing our bodies carry on.

As if a test, I got bitten by some nasty spider a few days later and in 24 hours had a rapidly spreading purple circle on my ankle the size of a silver dollar. It was obviously planning to rot my foot off so at bedtime I decided to use the laying on of hands and heal myself, as explained in the books.

I pulled my leg up, so I could comfortably hold it as I fell to sleep, and repeated over and over to my brain - "break down this infection and repair it, instead of doing non-essential repairs". I don't recall how long it was before I fell asleep but when I awoke, I had truly healed myself, having only a tiny red spot where the bite was. I became a faith healer!

The bigger test came a few months later when we noticed a small lump in my wives breast. She went to the doctor and he suggested we monitor it for a few weeks, as it may be transient, then come back for a biopsy if needed. Well fear of cancer prompted us to immediately try faith healing. For two nights we both held the effected area and fell asleep repeating to our selves the need for her brain to breakdown and carry away the damaged tissue. Sure enough, in two days it was gone and a trip to the doctor and an x-ray confirmed it!

It is being accepted more by doctors, as they find that the self confidence of patients improves recovery times and often brings spontaneous recoveries. The import lesson to learn here is that you do have control over your health and well being, you just have to sometimes make a firm resolution to get the job done. After all, you are the master of your own brain and do not have to let it take a casual approach to healing or doing repairs.


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