PII - Amazing Home Cures!

True Customer Stories
Rephrased from actual phone discussions with our customers.....

Editor Fred Peschel			       

Monthly information on Colloidal Silver and its many benefits
This is the first issue of our Newsletter!
To get it by email every month, click Subscribe and hit send! =========================================================================

Our goal with this Newsletter is to distribute some of the personal
success stories and amazing results our customers have had with Colloidal
Silver and also offer hints on marketing it. There is talk again of our
biased government restricting the sale of colloidal silver and thus we
feel the need to spread the word faster about the truly amazing benefits
of ionic Cs. We truly hope these stories will benefit you or you family
members and friends.

To submit your own success story, for possible inclusion in our next
issue, please email it to doc@health2us.com. If you will allow your
email address to be shown, so others can contact you directly, please
include it at the end of your story! Below is a sample story based on
my best friends experiences!


    Probably the most vivid (people like to SEE results before they will
believe) demonstration of the abilities of ionic colloidal silver is in
the treatment of Acne. My best friend, at age 32 had sever adult acne and
tried many creams with no real results. I had her taking colloidal silver
internally and the acne was little effected. At my suggestion, she started
cleaning her face twice daily with a cotton ball moistened with 5 PPM 
ionic colloidal silver and in just 2 days the results were vividly clear
- an 80% improvement! Upon stopping treatment (she though she got rid of
it) the red blemishes reappeared. Acne is apparently an external infection
and thus internal consumption had little effect and continued external
treatment is required, although now after 6 months she can be much more
lax in cleansing her face.                    Contact kim@myautomail.com


	I hope she will contact me to tell her story in our next newsletter,
but basically, two months after receipt of our ionic colloidal silver
generator, one of our customers called me with great excitement to announce
that after 18 years of being barron, she had finally become pregnant! The
only change in their life had been the consumption of colloidal silver! 
                                            (based on phone conversation)


	Another customer (his story will hopefully also be included next month)
reported he had a sever liver infection which the Doctors had given up on
after two years of treatment. With the purchase of our unit, and the
confidence he gained from our discussion of the safety of ionic colloidal
silver, he proceeded to take massive doses of a quart a day of 5 PPM 
ionic colloidal silver. In just two weeks not only was the liver problem
cured but also an irritated bowel syndrome and some other problems.
                                            (based on phone conversation)


	A customer (just ordering our unit) reported this

"I've been wanting to purchase a machine ever since one of my horses got
sick with pneumonia and she was in intensive care for 2 weeks.  I pulled
her off the veterinarian prescribed antibiotics and put her on my "own
plan" which consisted of 1/2 cup of colloidal silver/day and some vitamins
that I researched from "Prescription for Nutritional Healing."  It was 
night and day when I saw her the next day.  Her temp. stabilized within a
day and she wasn't in agony for 4 hrs everytime I administered the medicine.
My vet had a heart attack but is pretty curious now about what I did...
and how it worked."                                 Kirsten from Hawaii
              In Case You Didn't Know (To help you understand)

Cs - the common acronym for Colloidal Silver

IONIC - The prefered form of colloidal silver, being the smallest possible
particle size (absorbed sublingually and passes thru our cell membranes,
to attack viruses) and possessing a positive charge, making it the most
stable in storage yet the most reactive and bio-available form of silver.

EPA FACTS - Their silver site on the web say's that 92% to 98% of 
colloidal silver is discharged by your body within 24 hours!  For some
wierd reason, the 92% figure is based on the retention by dogs and the
more typical human figure is 98%. What doe's this tell us? Dogs need to
take it less often then people?

Actually, if you have an infection, I.E. a need to maintain your systems
level of colloidal silver, then you should take a dose every 6 - 8 hours!

The most common question we get is why our unit will not make 100 PPM Cs

It is impossible to make ionic Cs (the prefered form) over 15-25 PPM as
crystals of metallic silver (the dangerous form of silver) form easily
at that concentration! The product you see advertised as 50-500 PPM is
either HV product (vaporized silver wire the metallic form) or silver
protein, a form of silver ions bound to protein. The latter is most often
used as a salve. All, and I mean all, medical references refer to 3-5 PPM
as the recommended PPM and that 0.04 to 0.1 PPM is effective on many

Please forward this newsletter to any interested friends. We would be glad
to add them to our list.
To subscribe click Subscribe and hit send!
To your good health,
Fred Peschel, Pres. PII
  Producer of the worlds best automatic colloidal silver generator
HEALTH2US.COM NEWSLETTER                         NOVEMBER ISSUE #2 1999
		  	     Editor Fred Peschel			       

      A monthly information email on Colloidal Silver and its many benefits
You have received this issue of our Newsletter because you requested it,
purchased our Colloidal Silver Generator or signed-up for our free sample
drawings! If you wish to be removed, just click on the link at the bottom!


Our goal with this Newsletter is to distribute some of the personal
success stories and amazing results our customers have had with Colloidal
Silver and also offer hints on marketing it. Also, we feel the need to
spread the word faster about the truly amazing benefits of ionic Cs, since
the FDA's move to suppress sales. We truly hope these stories will benefit
you or your family members and friends.

To submit your own success story, for possible inclusion in our next
issue, please email it to . If you will allow your
email address to be shown, so others can contact you directly, please
include it at the end of your story!
====================FEATURED STORY=======================


"My husband and I have been married almost 18 years and have always wanted
and tried to have children. We have been waiting on the Lord for many years!
When I had walking pneumonia for 2 months earlier this year, my husband
searched desperately for something besides the two antibiotics I had taken
without much help.  He found colloidal silver (made with a PII generator)
and it not only helped build up my immune system, but within two months of
us both taking it, I got pregnant! Praise the Lord!  Not only did God bless
us with a baby we will be having soon, but He gave us a wonderful way to get
better ourselves and help others!  We are truly thankful.  I would also like
to note that it researching, my husband found numerous times that it is not
only safe but beneficial to the baby being formed in the mother's womb and
to the mother to take colloidal silver while pregnant. Since we felt this to
be true, plus we believed this was how God blessed us with our pregnancy and
what helped us get pregnant, we knew it was the best thing for me as the
mom-to-be to stay on colloidal silver - for our baby and for me. The first
doctor absolutely said no. So after praying, we found a wonderful doctor,
one of the best in our surrounding area, that not only was excited for us
and with us - he even offered a possible explanation of what might have
happened. He said one or both of us could have had a low grade infection not
even detectable by clinics, but enough to prevent pregnancy. He felt 5ppm -
fine; no problem; that is so minimal. He felt it was safe to take, after he
looked over the information we gave him (info. off Internet re colloidal
silver and pregnancy). I am 43 now and due in 2 mo. I feel great. We both
thank God for our baby and for finding Colloidal Silver.
I would also like to report that my father who is 80 had bacterial pneumonia
badly and we got him to take 8 oz. of colloidal silver before he went in the
ambulance to the hospital. Even though he went into respiratory arrest that
night, was in ICU three days with a respirator down his throat, and had some
congestive heart failure during those three days -- on the 3rd day they told
him that the pneumonia was GONE! They took the respirator out, and he was in
a regular room the next day. He was only on oxygen 1 day in the regular room.
Four days later he was released and convalesced with family for a week. As
soon as he got home after that, he looked so weak and frail and seemed worse
than when we saw him in the hospital, I thought what kind of pills are they
giving him? He was on 7 prescriptions, and his doctor told him no extras
(since he knew my father takes chelation therapy once a month, takes many
vitamins, and now takes colloidal silver - all of which he attributes doesn't
do anything). He clearly told him no colloidal silver, no chelation, and no
vitamins with his 7 prescriptions!  He felt a year on all his medicine my
father would be OK again. I told my father that it was my prayer that he
would go back on colloidal silver even if nothing else, for I truly believed
that it would pull him out of this congestive heart failure.  Two days later
he called me to tell me he was back on colloidal silver!  The doctors had
told us over the phone that we should not expect him to be weaned off the 2
prescriptions for congestive heart failure for at least 2 months.  Do you
know that within two weeks of going back on colloidal silver, he had a test
and they told him the congestive heart failure was GONE!  Praise the Lord!
I said Daddy, it's the colloidal silver; and he said, "I know!"  (Please
note that even though he had been on colloidal silver all along on a
maintenance dose, he had chelation therapy 6 days before going into the
hospital. He also extremely overdid  projects after chelation, and that's
how he got sick. We did not know it then, but chelation therapy not only
gets rid of all harmful metals in your system, but also silver. Even though
we had him take alot, 8 oz., right before he went in the hospital, now we
know that when he takes chelation therapy to take more colloidal silver for
a week just like starting new again. Plus we also would have given him more
that 8 oz. that day, knowing what we know now.  However, in spite of all
that -- the pneumonia was GONE in 3 days and after getting back on colloidal
silver the congestive heart failure (even though milder case) was GONE
within 2 weeks. )  Another praise the Lord for us and thank you, God, for
colloidal silver and providing help and naturally too!  Thank you, Fred, we
found out about your generator, too. We hope these two testimonies are
helpful to someone else. All we can do is tell you how it has helped us.
God bless you all.            Sincerely yours, Elaine Rafferty (mommy-to-be!)"


As expected, our biased government released last month an FDA TALK PAPER
(a letter decision to guide all personnel of the FDA) restricting the sale of any
OTC (over the counter) drug products containing colloidal silver or silver salts,
claiming they are misbranded! Basically, no medical claims can be made for
any product containing colloidal silver or silver salts unless approved by the FDA
as a new drug. Now, colloidal silver product sales must be limited, in the US, to
use as a mineral supplement, with no medical claims made or implied! 
The paper can be found at FDA


"My much adored Tonkinese cat developed a massive tumor in her midriff area
a year ago. It was so bad that she battled to jump onto window ledges etc.
The vet's prognosis was gloomy  to cut or just leave her as long as she
wasn't in pain.  I chose to leave her and fortunately came upon colloidal
silver just about then.   Well, within three weeks of giving her about a
teaspoon a day of 10 ppm colloidal silver, the tumor literally disappeared
and a year later she's still a happy, healthy kitty with a waistline!
Most unfortunately our vet emigrated overseas somewhere and I am unable to
obtain the x-ray which would have proved an amazing success story."
                                                                               by Yvonne  o2comm@global.co.za

              In Case You Didn't Know (To help you understand)

EPA FACTS - Their silver site on the web sets the maximum allowed intake
of silver for life for the 170# sensitive person at 14 Teaspoons of 5PPM/day.
This is based on the assumption that you retain part of each dose (the
normal discharge rate is 92-98%/24 hours) and thus the fatal dose in
ONE DAY would be about 5,000 gallons of the 5PPM ionic form.

It is interesting to note their statement, relating to angryia, which they
classify as a benign discolorization of tissue from excessive silver intake 

"Although the deposition of silver is permanent, it is not associated with
any adverse health effects. No pathologic changes or inflammatory
reactions have  been shown to result from silver deposition. Silver
compounds have been employed for medical uses for centuries",
and yet the FDA claims they are "not recognized as safe and effective"!

The EPA also finds "No evidence of cancer in humans has been reported
despite frequent  therapeutic use of the compound over the years. "

Their site is at EPA

Please forward this newsletter to any interested friends. We would be glad
to add them to our list. To subscribe, click below and hit send


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To your good health,
Fred Peschel, Pres. PII
  Producer of the worlds best automatic colloidal silver generator

Links Listing | Faith Healing | Cure High Blood Pressure | Water and CS test | Enzymes | Colloidal Silver

For More info call 941-283-8640 or FAX 941-283-8631 or EMAIL TO PII or SNAIL MAIL TO: PII, 3516 DELILAH DRIVE, CAPE CORAL, FLORIDA 33993