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Florida's State Insurance Commissioner Bill Nelson visited the job fair sponsored by Quality Life at the Carrie Robinson Center Tuesday, June 28, 2000.  Also in attendance were City of Fort Myers Councilwoman Dr. Ann Knight, FMHA Commissioner E. Bruce Strayhorn and FMHA Executive Director Danny Queen.

The job fair was well attended by a cross section of the Fort Myers community adults and young adults who participated in speaking to area businesses about part-time and full-time jobs.  Tamra Harris, a 15 year old from Jones Walker attended the job fair with her girlfriend.  "I heard about the fair through a friend and thought this would give me an opportunity to see many potential jobs first hand rather than looking in the newspaper.  Right now I am filling out an application for grounds keeper at Shell Point Village."

Mr. Falz of Quality Life was responsible for recruiting the local businesses to the job fair.  Some of the employers on hand included: Wendy's, Shell Point Village, Edison community college, florida Gulf Coast University, Lee Memorial Hospital, City of fort Myers, and more.

Commissioner Nelson had an opportunity to meet with Mr. Muhammad the Executive Director of Quality Life and review their programs and the facility at Carrie Robinson Center.

Quality Life has many programs available to FMHA residents, some of these include; job training, job placement, after school homework tutoring, and welfare to work coulnseling along with other supportive services.



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