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    City of Fort Myers


    Resident Info










Residents That ShineptSunWHT.gif (5200 bytes)


To make any community a home it takes people and commitment and the Fort Myers Housing Authority Developments are no exception to this rule. We have wonderful residents who participate and work hard to make their developments a home. To that end we want to recognize those special residents each quarter and thank them for their commitment, vision and hard work.


Bonaire Towers Resident Security Team

The resident security efforts at Bonaire Towers have proven that neighborhood watch and teamwork are successful ingredients in curbing crime.  The Resident Security team at Bonaire Towers work together on keeping their development crime free and secure for their neighbors.

The key to the success is good communication and teamwork.  Resident Ann English keeps the team in shape and works to continue good communication among the residents. 

Incidents of crime at Bonaire Towers are extremely low and that is through the efforts of the Resident Security Team.  Keep up the good work!

Michigan Family Development

Ms. Davis and Ms. Tuggerson. These two residents were chosen to share this award because through their efforts the Youth Protection Ordinance was passed. They worked hard at obtaining almost 400 signatures in support of the ordinance. They met with City of Fort Myers Councilwoman Veronica Shoemaker and with Fort Myers Police Chief Larry Hart advocating the ordinance and obtaining their support for the ordinance.


Palmetto Court Development

Ms. Bernice Rivero. Ms. Rivero is the perfect neighborhood watch person. She consistently locks up the mailroom and washroom when necessary. Observes the washroom to try and prevent any vandalism. The location of her apartment gives her the perfect observation post. She is a pleasure to have as a resident and her caring and dedication is very much appreciated.


Flossie M. Riley Garden Apartments

Mr. David Diaz. Mr. Diaz is recognized as having great self-esteem, will power and an able body you don’t have to ask to do the wonderful things that he does for the complex such as, spraying and washing down the court yard area. He trims the trees, plants trees and flowers, pulls weeds, and clears neighbors yards who are not able to clear for themselves. He is always doing something to improve our environment at Flossie M. Riley Garden Apartments. The residents truly appreciate Mr. Diaz and his hard work at making our complex a better place to live.


Sabal Palms

Nettie Duncan. Ms. Duncan helps each week with the clothing bank and attends the weekly aids awareness program to help her son and daughter who both have aids. The program teaches how to buy and use foods to help build your immune system through juicing. Ms. Duncan also was faithful all summer long to assist in feeding the children for our lunch program. She is a very kind and humble lady and the residents of Sabal Palm appreciate her commitment and dedication.


Southward Village

Ms. Willie May Lewis. Ms. Lewis was an active member of the tenant association, until recently when she resigned to take care of her handicapped son. She is always available to pass out flyers and to participate in events within the complex. As a resident she is faithful in her rent and she ahs a beautiful well-kept yard that is an inspiration to all residents. She has been a resident at Southward for several years and she always has a hug and positive word.


Royal Palm Towers

Mrs. Margaret Morrison. Mrs. Morrison is a lady of character, a very kind person who is willing to help whomever is in need. She makes herself constantly available to assist when needed.


Bonair Towers

Ms. Edith Horton. Ms. Horton is a fair person and weighs matters before making a decision. She has been a faithful resident board member in the past and she consistently goes beyond the call of duty when needed. She is a very pleasant person to be around and share your thoughts with.


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