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    City of Fort Myers


    Resident Info










About Our Column...

Welcome to the first edition of Kids Speak Out. We're an organization of resident youths who are going to give inspiration and information so we can make positive changes in our residences and lives. We aspire to discover real ways to make our environment a safer and more equitable place to live. We will be focusing on doing what it takes to make things better and sharing the personal stories of residents actively involved in all aspects of the process. We hope to motivate all resident teens to join us in our journey.

We meet weekly and welcome any development resident teen to join us. If you are interested in attending a meeting and don't have transportation we can assist you; we need input and participation and welcome any and all.

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Check out our upcoming issues...

Our stories will be researched with the pros and cons. We will interview significant participants in issues and then present the issue. We will make recommendations and raise questions for thought but most of all we will participate and we want you to join us!

What is Race?  Racial issues in our neighborhoods and schools
Political activism
Development Curfew
Authority Figures (Teachers,Bosses, Police etc..)
Parents ... What's the problem?
Justice  (One strike you're out, Community Policing, Truancy)
Drugs and Us
Let's Talk  (Teen pregnancy, Sex, Spirituality and more!)
Our Developments  (Recreational programs, Environment, Facilities)

As you can see we have an ambitious schedule ahead of us. We will be inviting guests from the community, Fort Myers Housing Authority and residents to chat with us and provide information and facts for our stories. We want input from our resident teens so we hope you will join our sessions and share ideas or come to listen.

Kids Speak Out is for anyone who wants to make a difference through positive change. We want to bring our teens together and expand our opportunity to be heard and create change. We will be the outlet for resident teens who want to turn our world around,join us!

For more information contact resident teen, Anthony Thomas at 332-8503 or Jesse Dortch from FMHA at 332-6622.


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