(Documented information available)

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The name of this product could have been Stress Damage Preventer, Depression Reliever, Alcohol Compulsion Reliever, ADD/ADHD Controller, Weight Loss Enhancer or even Brain Food. Restores+ doesn't "trick" the brain but "provides" the brain with what it needs and must have to stay chemically balanced.

Restores+ is demonstrating itself to be one of the greatest scientific breakthrough products ever created. During the last 11 years, more than 700 American hospitals, clinics, and drug and alcohol treatment centers have experienced tremendously successful and safe results with the Restores+ patented basic formulation of nutrients. Combinations of many of these nutrients were given to fighter pilots during Operation Desert Storm to relieve stress and increase mental clarity - and with great success.

With the billions spent on medicine and medical treatments, Restores+ is the perfect marriage of state-of-the-art science and nutrition.

Restores+ is a NATURAL product that actually "restores" the neurotransmitters in the brain which are constantly being depleted. Messengers not only move every thought and every impulse from one side of the brain to the other, but they also control our emotions. At some point, because of stress, addictions, or other dysfunctions-, the volume of these vital chemicals can decrease to abnormal levels.

The Restores+ formulation of amino acids, vitamins and minerals took more than 63 years to create. Each ingredient, by itself, helps the brain. When combined a designed synergism increases the effectiveness over 100 times.

The Restores+ capsule dissolves in 45 seconds and its ingredients are released. The nutrients enter the bloodstream within 5 minutes and pass through the Blood Brain Barrier within 30 minutes. For the next 8 hours they shower the brain with the proper nutrients the manufacturing cells need to restore and maintain proper balance. The brain stays chemically balanced. The body stays calm.

Double-blind, placebo-controlled, cross-over tests were conducted by respected scientists, Phds in pharmacology, biochemistry, nutrition, etc., to effectively find a way to prevent stress damage. Did we hear or read about this research? Probably not, because in most cases these studies were published in medical and scientific journals not normally seen by the general public.

(Documented information available to professionals)

Most stress related, over-the-counter products are basically the same. They contain vitamins. That is for a reason.

During stress-related incidents, adrenaline is released throughout the body. Whether we fight or flee a situation, or just sit in our cars or at our desks (simmering), our organs are damaged. These stress-damaged organs need vitamins to repair the damage.

Restores+ prevents or greatly limits stress and thus prevents or greatly reduces damage caused by stress. Its ingredients pass through the Blood Brain Barrier and the brain is kept nourished and balanced. The potential adrenaline release and stress cycle is limited or never begins.

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