How to order Restores:

1. Call 800-737-8161.

2. Give the Quest IV Health representative my name: John J. Bolus, and my I.D. No: 0402648.

3. The representative will take your name and the first 7 numbers of your Social Security number or Federal ID number. You will be given Distributor status (there is no cost or obligation!. You may now order at wholesale prices.

4. The cost of 1 bottle is $34.95 + shipping. If you like the product and later sign on to the monthly automatic order program, the price is $30.00 + shipping. If you order a case of 12, the price is $24.00 per bottle + shipping. (Retail price is $39.95.) All major credit cards are accepted.

You will also be sent a Distributor information package which details the generous Compensation Plan featuring a UniLevel Full Compression 6-level payout with Fast-Start and Infinity Bonuses considered by many to be one of the best- paying plans anywhere. You begin making money when the very first person you've told about Restores calls in his or her order!

Restores Home Page

How it Works

John Bolus Home Page