John Bolus Homepage

"After 20 years of investigating and testing the finest health, fitness and envionmental products, my search has brought me to the Best of the Best."

Health Products

Caucasicum Caucasicum is the most powerful anti-oxidant ever discovered - it has been in use in a providence in Russia where longevity to 115 years is not uncommon.

for more info contact me

Coming soon (still under construction.....)

Restores For the treatment of ADD, depression, alcoholism and other addictions.

Calorad Lose fat while you sleep! Proven results for 20 years.

Vitamist oral spay vitamins The original spray vitamin. 90% absorption in 30 seconds. A complete line of vitamins and weight loss products. A welcome alternative to pills.

Herbal fiber blend The best colon cleanser I have ever found - and I've tried them all!

Barley Green Dehydrated Barley juice - nutritional supplement and immune system booster.

Environmental Products

Driwash and Guard Waterless cleaning technology used by Rolls Royce and Delta Airlines. A full line of waterless cleaning products