There was a young dedicated but bashful Christian girl reading her Bible on a bus. This pushy loud mouthed, belligerent man sat down next to her and confronted her about the Bible.

He asked "Do you believe everything in the Bible?"

And she said, "Yes, I do."

He kept on, "You mean to tell me you believe that Jonah lived for three days in the belly of a whale?"

The girl answered, "Yes."

The man persisted, "Well then how do you explain that?"

The young woman answered, "I can't, but I believe it..."

The man became more agitated and said, "Lady, you should be able to explain whatever you believe!"

The young woman then said, "I don't know exactly how Jonah survived but I'll ask him once I get to heaven."

Then sarcastically, Mr. Rude asked, "And what if Jonah didn't make it to heaven?"

And she replied, "Then YOU can ask him."