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    City of Fort Myers


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Fort Myers Housing Authority Hits the World Wide Web

The Fort Myers Housing Authority is proud to introduce its new web site, www.fortmyershousing.com.    Michelle Rayfield is the creator of our fantastic new site. She has been able to link us with the City of Fort Myers, Fort Myers Police Department, Lee County Sheriff’s Office and the Fort Myers Fire Department. Visitors to their web sites or ours can immediately switch to any of the listed web sites by the click of a button.

When you log onto our site you will be introduced to our new two color logo, FMHA. Our logo incorporates our environment, palm trees, sun, water and most importantly homes.

Our site features:

Home Page,  Housing Options,  Programs and Services, Current Events, Spot Light, Director’s Corner, Message from the Chairman

Our web site gives us another communication tool in which to provide information to the community on the activity of the housing authority. It also gives us an opportunity to receive information via the web versus the written letter.

If there is information you would like to see us add, please don’t hesitate to call Tammy Hall at (941) 574-3556 or email us.

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