Volume 4, Number 1
Autumn 2000

index of issues
table of contents

From the Training & Church Management Committee:
The Florida District UUA Fall Leadership Conference
Presents a Joint Appearance of
UUA President and Moderator Candidates in a Special
UUA Candidates Forum

December 1-2, 2000
First Unitarian Church of Orlando

Don’t miss this opportunity (one of six in the continent) to meet and discuss issues with all
of the candidates for both president and moderator of the UUA! Mark your calendars now
and watch for details forthcoming in your monthly District Packets!

Candidates for president are (pictured above, left to right) the Rev. Diane Miller, Director
of the Department of Ministry; the Rev. Lawrence Palmieri Peers, Director of Extension
Education and Research for the Department of Congregational, District and Extension Ser-vices;
and the Rev. William Sinkford, Director of the Department of Congregational, District
and Extension Services. Candidates for moderator are Patsy Sherrill Madden of St. Louis,
Missouri and Diane Olson of Phoenix, Arizona.

The moderator presides at the General Assembly and at meetings of the board of trustees
and represents the Association on special occasions. At the next General Assembly, the
UUA will elect a new president and a new moderator. The current President is the Rev. John
Buehrens and the current Moderator is Denny Davidoff. The President is the Chief Execu-tive
of the Association and is a member ex-officio of all standing committees of the Associa-tion.
The Moderator is a lay person who presides at General Assembly, at meetings of the
Board of Trustees and the Executive Committee, and represents the Association on special
occasions. The moderator is not compensated for services rendered, other than actual ex-penses.
The President receives a salary.


Help select our leaders • Help guide the Association and shape our future! Elections will take place at the 2001 General Assembly in Cleveland, Ohio