Volume 3, Number 3
Spring/Summer 2000

index of issues
table of contents

Humanism Conference: A Milestone

Humanism Conference seminar presenters, left to right: The Reverend Mary C. Higgins, District Executive; Dr. Robert P. Tucker, Minister at Lake Region UU Fellowship; Mary Louise DeWolfe, ministerial candidate; the Reverend Jack M. Higgins, minister of UU of Brevard church and conference host; Dr. William Murry, Meadville-Lombard Seminary President.

The Reverend John Rex, newly installed minister at Buckman Bridge Unitarian Universalist, gave the opening address at the Humanism Conference.

A conference on Humanism was held March 3 - 4 at the UU Church of Brevard in West Melbourne. Principal speaker was Dr. William Murry, President of Meadville-Lombard Seminary in Chicago, IL, who spoke on “Humanism—Where It’s Been” in the morning and “Humanism— Where It’s Going” in the afternoon. The conference was history-making, as it was the first time that a seminary president ever publicly discussed or even acknowledged humanism.