Volume 3, Number 3
Spring/Summer 2000

index of issues
table of contents

Electronic Newsletters Available

The UUA Office of Congregational Fundraising Services now offers a bi-monthly newsletter, which they are e-mailing to all congrega-tions that have given their email address to the UUA. It is sent in PDF format that can be opened and printed with Acrobat Reader. The newsletter will be of special interest to those involved in the financial aspects of your congregation (annual canvass, capital campaign, endowments, etc.).

There’s an easy new way for your committee chairs and other interested lay leaders to get a free subscription to InterConnections Online. Anyone who sends a request for a free subscription will get a short e-mail every time a new InterConnections issue is ready. The e-mail will contain a headline description of the feature articles and a link to click that will pop the new issue right up on their computer screens. In addition to every edition of InterConnections, you’ll discover the searchable Resource Library that is part of the InterConnections website. In it you can find all kinds of information that can be useful to committees or other projects around the church. To subscribe to the list, send a message to listproc@uua.org. In the message field, type:

subscribe InterConnections-L [your name].

You can also sign up using the short form on the Interconnections home page at http://www.uua.org/interconnections. Every InterConnections newsletter will go online in two formats-in addition to the usual web document, it will also be available as fast-to-download PDF files.

This publication, The Sunshine, is also available online at the Florida District UUA Website, http://www.cyberstreet.com/uufld/. It is offered in both HTML and PDF formats for downloading and printing.