Volume 3, Number 2
January 2000

index of issues
table of contents

Unitarian Universalist Humanism Conference
March 3 - 4, 2000 at the Unitarian Universalist Church of Brevard in Melbourne

The Florida District UUA is sponsoring Unitarian Universalist Humanism Conference, March 3 - 4, 2000. Beginning on Friday evening with a music and literature session and social hour, there will be a series of addresses followed by small group sessions. Dr. William R. Murry, President of Meadville/Lombard Theology School (one of our two UU schools for preparing ministers) will discuss “Where Have We Been and Where are We Going?” on Saturday. Small group sessions, led by Florida UU Humanist ministers will deal with Ethics, Humanism and Spirituality, Identity Conflict, Worship Services for Humanists and Adult RE. There will be opportunities to discuss other matters of importance to Humanists who live within a UU environment.

Brochures were sent to your church to both Minister and administrator/president which contain program out-line, accommodation information and registration forms. For further information, please contact the Conference Committee, UU Church of Brevard, 2185 Meadowlane Ave., West Melbourne, FL 32904, or email inquiries to higginsjhiggins@mindspring.com.