Volume 3, Number 1
October, 1999

index of issues
table of contents

Your Compensation Consultant!

As the recently designated District Compensation Consultant I want to take this opportunity to give our membership some relevant background information about myself.

I am a member of the Ft. Myers congregation where I serve as Chairperson of the Personnel Committee. I am also Treasurer and Member of the Endowment Committee. Additionally I co Chair the Ways and Means, Bed and Breakfast fundraising Committee.

Prior to my retirement at the beginning of 1992 I completed over twenty years as a personnel management generalist in the role of Personnel Administrator for community and long term health care facilities in the public sector (State Govt. operated).

I am available to offer guidance on compensation issues affecting salaries and fringe benefits. I can also address such other personnel issues that would include the subjects of Personnel Committee/Personnel Manual development, preparing job descriptions and managing employee relation evaluations/problems.

I can be reached at 941-395-3631 or by e-mail at lwal0899@peganet.com in Florida. During the summer and fall months while I am in Maryland you may reach me at 301-598-1903 or lwal0899@juno.com.

I look forward to being of assistance in helping all of you bringing our Church staff members to where we will be meeting the fair employment practices guidelines recommended by UUA and passed at General Assembly in 1995.