Volume 2, Number 4
June, 1999

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table of contents

1999 Florida District UUA Awards

Due to time constraints at the recent District Annual Assembly, the awards presentation did not receive emphasis that was intended. The District wishes to appropriately honor those UU’s who have worked diligently to achieve ideal “UUisms,” from newsletters to social justice actions to enduring long-term ongoing “smaller” projects. They deserve applause and accolades. Here are the recipients of this year’s District UUA Awards:

Appreciation Award First Unitarian Church of Miami—Host of the Florida District Annual Meeting, 1999 Doin’ a Splendid Job!—Rev. Mary Chulak Higgins, District Executive

John DeWolf Hurt Levity Award (presented by Mary Louise DeWolf) Sarasota/canvass and church history play, “Annie Get Your Pledge” Written and produced by Sara Anderson

Excellence in Religious Education Connie Goodbread, Spirit of Life, Oldsmar—Long term R.E. Professional with a superb overview of Sophia Lyons Fahs incorporated with individual, personal family religious education and guidance. Nancy Kellman, Orlando—Long term R.E Teacher and committee worker in various capacities.

Unsung Unitarian Universalists Joyce Mills, Ocala—Numerous offices held at many levels, spearhead and quiet worker wherever, ongoing, ongoing… Jim Ingram, Valdosta, GA—One of Georgia’s leading architects, whose work includes Valdosta’s UU church and fundraising for its building!

Youth Recognition Awards Julianna Rose Dow, Orlando, and Laura Baum, Lakeland, CoChairs—FDYRUU “Transitions” Confab: bringing many new young people into Unitarian Universalist lifespan welcomings...

Clarence R. Skinner Award (promoting social principles of Unitarian Universalism) Rev. Dr. Wayne Robinson, Ft. Myers—“Sixth Principle: World Peace/Vedran Smiailovic, Sarjevo Cellist” (See article on page 3)

Outstanding Newsletters Non-High Tech: Lecanto—“Nature Coast Unitarian Universalist Newsletter,” Ray O’Connell, editor Small/Medium-size: Fort Lauderdale—“The Journey,” Ernie ToBordo and Kate Lampe, Editors Large Congregations: Orlando—“Oracle,” Amy Fairweather, Editor

Lifetime Achievement Award Bill Ranck, Friendship Fellowship of Pineda—A true UU beacon, everywhere he shines! Jim Barrett Social Justice Award (presented by Steve Jens-Rochow perennial JBSJA winner) Connie Holzinger, Ft. Myers—Amazing “right wing/local school extremists’ turnaround”

District Website Excellence (new award suggested by online wiz, Enid Urich) http://www.electro-net.com/~uuct/ Unitarian Universalist Church of Tallahassee, Keith Henry, Webmaster


Eleanor Elizabeth Gordon Award (For lifetime service of UU ideals) Frances Kennicutt, Buckman Bridge UU Society, Jacksonville Harriette Glasner, First Unitarian/Miami Suki Nickerson, Alliance UU Society of Miami Anne Telefsen, Alliance UU Society of Miami

Charlotte Perkins Gillman Honor (For empowering others) Alice Lingswiler, Alliance UU Society of Miami Linda Mowers, Buckman Bridge UU Society, Jacksonville

Olympia Brown Honor (For recent and significant non-sexist society promulgation) Lucy Swenson Knights, Alliance UU Society of Miami

Our thanks to Rev. Amy McKenzie-Quinn, Tallahassee, for serving as Master of Ceremony for the Awards presentation, and congratulations to all who were recognized. — MAUREA SLEESMAN, DISTRICT AWARDS CHAIR