Florida District of the Unitarian Universalist Association
[return to index of Board Proceedings]

President's Report DPA Annual Fall Meeting November 1-2, , 2001, Boston, MA

The fall gathering of district presidents in Boston is an excellent reason to say yes to the Nominating Committee when they call to ask if you would consider serving as District President. The Annual Dues paid by each district to the District President's Association provides funds for transportation, lodging at the Pickett and Eliot houses, and all meals but Saturday evening. The result is a weekend full of interaction with lively UU leaders from all over the country, information of importance to the district congregations and members, and an education in associational functioning. Oh yes, and an opportunity to shop at the UUA bookstore with a (token) discount!

This report is organized in three broad categories. 1) Information provided by the UUA (usually in the form of Tracy Robinson-Harris, the Acting Director of Congregational, District, and Extension Services, but from others as noted) sometimes at the request of the district presidents, 2) information shared among the district presidents formally and informally via networking, and 3) other miscellaneous items of interest.

Other achievements of the weekend included:

Thank you for allowing me to represent you! To be a part of this lively, dedicated, always thinking and reflecting group is a great honor and great fun.

Kathy Converse President, Florida District