Florida District of the Unitarian Universalist Association
[return to index of Board Proceedings]

Summary of Board of Directors Meeting, January 19,2002

Community UU of Daytona Beach graciously hosted the meeting. We began with Opening Words from Rev. Ken Beldon of River of Grass and a check-in to update ourselves with each other since we last met.


Each Director will be contacting congregations to invite them to attend this year's Annual Assembly featuring the Rev. Dr. Rebecca Parker. Dr. Parker, currently President of Starr King Seminary, has been featured in the two most recent issues of UU World magazine. The first contains a review of her new book Proverbs of Ashes and the latter features her comments and thoughts on the nature of evil.

This year's Annual Assembly will be quite different in format and in tone. You will want to be present for this meeting of minds and hearts at the beautiful Canterbury Retreat Center, April 12-13.

Email questions or comments to kconverse@uua.org. I'll be pleased to respond as best I can.

Respectfully submitted,
Kathy Convers, President
Board of Directors