r&r.gif (3684 bytes) Rayfield Realities



scissors.gif (1555 bytes) Tommy's Scrapbook

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babytommy2.jpg (16989 bytes)

aawwww, isn't he cute!

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goofytommy2.jpg (30631 bytes)

Tommy in his wilder days!

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Michelle & Tommy in Jamaica, Spring 1998

  line.gif (4090 bytes)

Tomhsg2.jpg (20203 bytes)                     Tommy and C.J. practicing their naps! October 1994

Senior Picture, 1988               Doing what they do best!

woohoo2.jpg (15065 bytes)

C.J.'s first trip to the beach...

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 indexbtn.gif (2288 bytes)     Michscrap.gif (3509 bytes)     cjscrap.gif (2969 bytes)