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Poems and Quotes

This page is a collection of poems I have written (mostly when I was in my teens), and other poems and quotes that have stuck with me through the years! Feel free to link here but please don't steal my poems...thanks!

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Rainy days, soft and misty

Time seems to stand still

Love and life, not but a memory

Upon this lonely old hill.

Now the rain is stopping

The sun is shining behind

and When I look up, the most beautiful sight...

You.......the rainbow in my mind

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I write because I am confused...and seek to understand..

I sing because I am alone and reach to take a hand..

I wonder because I'm curious and feel I should know why.

I hurt because I'm human and this is why I cry.

I laugh because I'm happy and this seems right to do.

I love because you're special and pray you love me too.

I live because of all these things I find in every day.

They tell me just what life's about ...........

and I listen to what they say


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People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one!  ~ L.J. Burke

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When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives means the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving much advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a gentle and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares.
~~~ Henri Nouwen "Out of Solitude"~

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Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date.

~~~~William Shakespeare "Sonnet 18" ~~~~

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The woods are lovely, dark and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep.

~~~~Robert Frost "Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening" ~~~~~

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"To the uneducated, an A is just three sticks."

~~~winnie the pooh~~~

"We can't all, and some of us don't. That's all there is to it."

~~~winnie the pooh~~~

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Entry from the Dictionary of Terms:

Sesquipedalian Macropolysyllabification. Quaquaversal lucubration about pervicacious torosity and diverticular prosiliency in diatonic formication and chromatic papulation, engendering carotic carmination and decubital nyctalopia, causing borborygmic susurration, teratological urticulation, macroptic dysmimia, bregmatic obstipation, crassamental quisquiliousness, hircinous olophonia and unflexanimous luxation, often produce volmerine cacumination and mitotic ramuliferousness leading to operculate onagerosity and testaceous favillousness, as well as faucal obsonation, parallelepipedal psellismus, pigritudinous mysophia, cimicidal conspurcation, mollitious deglutition and cephalotripsical stultitiousness, resulting despite Hesychastic omphaloskepsis, in epenetic opistography, boustrophedonic malacology, lampadodromic evagination, chartulary cadastration, merognostic heautotimerousness, favaginous moliminosity, fatiscent operosity, temulencious libration and otological oscininity, aggravated by tardigrade inturgescence, nucamentacious oliguria, emunctory sternutation, veneficial pediculation, fremescent dyskinesia, hispidinous cynanthropy, torminal opitulation, crapulous vellication, hippuric rhinodynia, dyspneic nimiety and favillous erethism, and culminating in opisthographic inconcinnity, scotophiliac lipothimia, banaustic rhinorrhea, dehiscent fasciculation, oncological vomiturition, nevoid paludality, exomphalic invultuation, mysophiliac excrementatiousness, flagitious dysphoria, lipogrammatic bradygraphy, orectic aprosexia, parataxic parorexia, lucubicidal nutation, permutational paranomasia, rhoncial fremitus, specular subsaltation, crapulous crepitation, ithyphallic acervation, procephalic dyscrasia, volitional volitation, piscine dermatology, proleptic pistology, verrucous alopecia, hendecaphonic combinatoriality, microaerophilic pandiculation and quasihemidemisemibreviate illation. ... (hehe)

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Me up at does

out of the floor

quietly Stare a poisoned mouse

still who alive is asking

What have i done that

You wouldn't have

~~~e e cummings~~~

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Matte Kudasai

Ears heard the magical notes, eyes caught sight of tears, legs ran toward the peacefulness for the heart to spill it's fears.

Feet pounding on grass of ice, breath shows up as blue, climb the frozen gate to peace as if my body never knew.

At the waters edge again, sitting upon a throne, with all lifes treasures in front of me, but feeling so alone.

As the consistent sounds invade me, pulling out dead ends in my mind, all thoughts have now escaped me. Only tears I find.

The aloneness has faded to comfort and I gain control of my today. Feeling hidden among the shadows while the fog lets me fade away.

Looking at the sky for answers as clouds turn into stars.   Feeling the water rush past my arm trying to wash away the scars.

Staring into reflecting cries, not knowing where to begin. Wanting to bathe my body --free the pain---...waiting for the hand to pull me in.

Sitting here in light between ponds searching for that watchful eye, the monster staring from beyond the darkness at me and Matte Kudasai.

The monster telling me "run away"...forbidding me to rest.  Matte Kudasai whispers the voice of reason putting me through the test.


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You made me smile with your

    strange different way of



putting up a front

being tough when you were so unsure of yourself.

Funny to think of you being unsure.

Some say I should hate you for things you did; funny...

To think of me hating you


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