The Rayfields....Tommy ..Michelle...and C.J.


We decided C.J.'s younger years deserved pages of their own..enjoy!!!

C.J.'s Scrapbook

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Sleepy C.J. with his Nana

I see the bottle...why won't she give it to me!!!

C.J. with his Great Gramma

(Michelle's Gramma)

I think gramma is having more fun than I am..but I'll just act excited about this purple dino and make her happy!

C.J. and Gramma (& Barney)

mmmmmmm...cake! Ya want some!!!

Enjoying his first birthday cake!

Aren't we cute? NOW GIVE US SOME CANDY!

Halloween 1996

I work cheap!

1 1/2 years old

Just wait until my teens!

I'm gonna gitcha!!

I wish someone would scratch my head!

The Measles...OhNo!

Where'd ya put the wax?

"A guy's gotta wash his truck!"


Santa C.J. sitting on his parents' laps

Ho hum...everyone knows I'm not santa!!!


Hey mom! Watch me run into this tree over here!

His first driving lesson!

2 years old!


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