The Sci-Fi Galaxy

Welcome to the home of the Sci-Fi Galaxy Ring. The purpose of the Ring is to provide the linking of sites which contain information on Science fiction films and television shows. the number of sites within the Ring will steadily grow, which in turn shall increase the number of visits to your website. The only ring membership requirements are:

1. The page should contain information, and links to the Science Fiction story you have chosen. You don't have to be exclusively Sci-Fi...but this is the theme of course! :-)

2. The webpage cannot contain any adult material, or links to adult material.

To join the Ring, follow the link below and submit your site information.

After submitting your information, you will receive E-mail confirming that you have been added to the Queue. Enclosed will be an HTML code for the Sci-Fi Galaxy Ring menu. Write it into your home page, then E-mail me. Once I visit your site, and confirm that you have posted the menu, I'll then add you to the Ring. Below is what the menu will look like. I incorporated some simple mouseover Javascripting into the menu, for the convenience of users. Again if there's any problems at all, contact me and I'll help you out all I can. Have fun!

Submit your website here!


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