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Are you in favor of the death penalty? Was Bill Clinton "pleasured" by an intern?
Do you believe in the right to bear arms? Does it matter "if" Bill cheated on Hillary?
Do you believe in gun control? Think Monica was any good at her "JOB"?
Is Bill Gates a fascist? Did O.J. Simpson get away with murder?
Is Bill Gates another Henry Ford? Was the JFK assassination a conspiracy?
Do you believe in UFO'S? Do you prefer Internet Explorer?
Will man walk on Mars within the next 50 years? Do you prefer Netscape?
Will Osama Bin-Ladin be brought to Justice?
Will the U.S. 'win' the war on Terrorism?
Will there ever be peace in the Middle East?
Will the constant bickering and bloodshed over God and Land continue as it has for over 2000 years in the Middle East?

Who's the best actor
of the 20th Century?
Whats the BEST
Movie of all time?
Who's the best
Whats your all time
favorite Sci-fi show, or story?

Who is the Man of
the 20th century?
Who's the Woman
the century?

What was the Crime
of the 20th Century?
Who was the most infamous
Villain of the Century?


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Whats the most significant
event(s) of the 20th Century?

Who are the musicians
of the Century?

Whats your favorite
Whats your ALL time favorite
Television series?
Whats the BEST Baseball
team of ALL time?

Whats the BEST Hockey
team of ALL time?

Whats the BEST Football
team of ALL time?

Whats the best Sports TEAM
of ALL time? (What ever sport)

Whos the Athlete of the Century?

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