Test Pages
Normal Test Page
Observer Test Page
Pink page with italic/bold Font
Scripting Test Page with no Toolbar
Push Test Page
Optional Parameters
Name Values Default Information
port number 6667 the port the chat server is running on, usually 6667
nickname userNickname "Anonymous" the default name, used for autoconnect
room roomname - the default room to join
toolbar true | false true whether or not the toolbar should be visible
memberlist true | false true whether or not the memberlist should be visible
observer true | false false if true, the user can not participate in conversation
banner imagename - specifies a welcome image that should be displayed when the applet loads
autoconnect true | false false if true, and room and nickname are specified, applet will automatically connect when loaded
autodisconnect true | false false if true, the applet will automatically disconnect when the page is left
motd true | false true if true, the applet will display the Message of the Day after connecting
stats true | false true if true, the applet will display Server stats after connecting
id uniqueString "null" unique ids must be supplied if multiple chat applets will be on the same page.
font fontname,style,size Helvetica,0,11 Helvetica | Dialog | TimesRoman | Courier, 0(plain),1(bold),2(italic),3(bold+italic),8-20
bgcolor ffffff c0c0c0 specify the color using hex notation just like in html body tag
relay true | false false enables message source forging. So that a string sent from "peter" such as "joe says: whats up?" will appear as if the string after the colon ("whats up?") was actually sent from joe. Used with "send" parameter for filtering, and forwarding conversation in a moderated room.
send nick1[,nick2...] null comma delimited string of nicknames. If present, all messages sent by a user to a room will be whispered to these people instead. (Users can still whisper to others normally.) The users it is sent to filter and forward appropriate messages, see "relay" parameter above.
push true | false false if true, any host in the room can push java chat users in the room to other pages, by sending the command "push relativeURL [targetFrame]". Example 1 "push /images/picture.gif" , Example 2 "push http://www.news.com _top". All urls are relative to the html page containing the applet. Sending the url of a gif or jpg image with the frame set to _self will cause the image to be displayed inside of the chat text area. Check the "showDocument" method on this page for more information.
pushframe [name of frame] null The name of the default frame for pushed urls to be displayed in. Used when no frame is specified. See "push" parameter above.
Public applet methods (can be called by scripts)
Returns Method Information
void connect(String nickname) connects to the server with the specified nickname, if a room parameter is not specified, user will be shown a room list
void connect(String nickname, String room) same as above, but user joins specified room, overrides room parameter (if present)
void disconnect() user exits room if in one, and closes connecting to server.
String getNick() returns the users nickname, or null if user hasn't logged on yet.
String getRoom() returns the room the user is in, or null if not in a room.
void join(String room, String password) leaves current room if any, and joins specified room. Password ignored if null or ""
void showRoomList() Displays the room list window.
void showEnterRoomDialog() displays the enter room dialog box.
void showFontDialog() displays the change font dialog.
void showConnectDialog() shows the dialog which prompts user to connect to server.
void showAboutDialog() displays the about Microsoft Chat dialog.