Web Design

Frames will allow you to have a menu on one side of your screen, while the rest of the page is on the other. This is illustrated on the Sunshine Web Design page.
The menu we have is at the top of the page of course! :-)

The Frameset file:
This is the file which describes how the frames will be set. You will create this as a separate HTML file and name it as you wish. There are a few attributes to learn but I'm sure you'll do just fine. First I'll give you a classic frames document and explain what the he
ck it means.
<frameset cols=20%,80%>
<frame src="jomama1.html" name="leftside">
<frame src="jomama2.html" name="rightside"> </frameset>

What it means: There are two frames that are columns (columns run vertically) one is 20% wide and the other is 80%.(your frames must equal 100% of the page.) you may also use pixels in which case you will need only one value and an asterisk i.e. Frameset cols=130,*.The first frame contains a document (a separate html file) called jomama1.html and is named leftside.The second column contains the file jomama2.html and is named rightside.The (noframes) document is optional,you can enter standard html documents here for users who do not support frames.
You can set the rows as you wish,you may want three columns,in that case set the desired percentages.
Remember,if you add another frame you must add another file to your frameset.

<frame src="file"name=>
<frame src="file" name=>
<frame src="file" name=>

You may also change the <frameset cols>to<frameset rows>if you desire rows (rows run horizontally.)
Why do I name my frames?
You will understand when I start discussing your pages and links.
Can I have columns and rows?
Sure you can, this would call for "embedding" a frame.
It would look like this:
<frameset rows=10%,40%,50%>
<frame src="filename">
<frame src="filename">
<frameset rows=50%>
<frame src="filename">

Notice the embedded frameset rows tag which would use the 50% frameset.

Working with your files
The jomama1.html and jomama2.html are standard html files like the ones your used to creating. The difference is on your links you can target which frame (side of the page) will change.This way you can have a menu which remains on one side of the page while the other (side of page) changes.The files you name in your frameset will be the ones which appear when someone clicks on your URL
This is a sample frameset:(you name it index.html)
<frameset cols=20%,80%>
<frame src="jomama1.html" name="leftside">
<frame src="jomama2.html" name="rightside"> </frameset>

For Example: If I typed:
<a href="mypage.html" target="rightside">
The "mypage.html" would open up on the right side since I have targeted the link to that frame.(Notice on the frameset where the right frame is named "rightside)
If most of the links on the child are outside the system you can add a tag to the head of your file it would look like this:
<base target="_top">

An important tag.
This would make all links which don't have the (target=) to be brought to the top level. This works exceptionally well with webrings. This is a tag that a browser recognizes to bring someone to the top of that page.This way your frames will not show up when viewing someone elses page.Remember,the parent file is what the viewers will access,the files listed on this page should apply,I suggest having the 20% frame be a menu and the 80% frame be one reserved for viewing. The default 80% file should be a synopsis of your page. Below are other target tags.

<target="_parent> - Targets the parent file.

<target="_new>- Works the same as the _top attribute.

<target="_blank>- Opens a new browser window. 

Floating Frames
Floating frames are frames introduced by microsoft that are not attached to the sides of the browser, they are directly added to the body of your document. Note that you still have to target to this frame and name it. The tag appears much like the <IMG> tag and many of the attributes are the same. Here's the code:
<IFRAME NAME="float1" SRC="yourfilehere" WIDTH=350 HEIGHT=200 ALIGN="LEFT">
There would be a floating frame here for compatible browsers

I hope this has helped you out, if yo

Hopefully this has been a help to you.
If you need further assistance, please email me.

e an questions feel free to email me!

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