
You have a perfect score...and have WON the Voyager screensaver!
Go ahead and
download it now!!


Lets have a review: (though you don't need it...right? :-)

1: Yes..of course that was the voice of Mr. Spock.

2: James TIBERIUS Kirk...Parents must have been Roman!

3: The small craft that was launched from the Jupiter 2 was known as
"The Space Pod"....funny, in the earlier episodes it was just a storage closet?!

4: No, not Moses....not Ben Hur...but Charlton's character was Taylor.

5: The "Legendary Commander Cain" was played by Lloyd Bridges,
probably his best role!

6: The Crew-Woman who seduced Kirk was Dr. Helen Noel,
played by Marianna Hill...though a 60 year old 200 pound granny now...
was a walking "Sha-wing" in her day!

7: The bodies of the aliens in The Invaders, (one of the best show's to
come from "Quinn Martin Productions").....burned up!

8: This is probably the easiest one...(err..right)..."Q" was the menacing
Super Being.

9: "There can be only one" is often shouted by an immortal in
Highlander", just before he or she takes someone's head!

10: Bobafett was the sneaky Bounty hunter in Star Wars.

11. Uhura's first name was Nyota. (which is Swahili for "Hot Bod in Short Skirt")

12. "Where No Man Has Gone Before" was the first Episode.

You are winner number:

You'll need a PKUNZip utility to de-compress the screensaver
you can get it
here. The Star Trek Voyager screensaver is FREEWARE
from someone called "Short Attention Span Software." (sounds original)