The Marinola Family
"Home Page "

Welcome home - to the Marinola family home page, that is. Come on in, stay awhile, and meet the folks.

What's New with the Marinola Family
Joe and Kristin Marinola are still overjoyed by the birth of their second child,  son
  Anthony Joseph Marinola.
Sierra Marinola will be 4 years old in May and is ready for pre-school.
Anthony Marinola is walking all over the house; getting into everything.  Turned 1 in February.
Joey just got done being a kid again...  His work played football with other agencies.

Resident artist Joseph Marinola designed this page. 

Family News
Joey's Favorite Cool Web Sites

Wedding Pictures 
Special Moments
Kid Pictures 

Holiday Greetings 
You can send e-mail to the Marinola family

Joe and Kris 

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This page was last updated on March 3, 1998.
 Copyright © 1996 Netscape Communications Corporation. Photo © PhotoDisc, Inc.