Properties of Rhododendron Caucasicum

Adaptogenic - Rhododendron Caucasicum contains phenylpropanoids. Thirty years of research indicate that phenylpropanoids improve physical abilities, increase activity of the cardiovascular system, and increase blood supply to the muscles and especially to the brain. Studies have clearly demonstrated that Rhododendron Caucasicum increases resistance of the brain to unfavorable chemical, physical and biological imbalances. Rhododendron Caucasicum also has tremendous anti-bacterial activity against bad bacteria, but it allows good bacteria - probiotics, such as are found in kefir - to thrive.

Strong P-Vitamin Activity -P-Vitamin activity protects against capillary fragility. Research has shown that Rhododendron Caucasicum Is highly P- Vitamin active.

Detoxicant - Research has shown that Rhododendron Caucasicum increases the discharge of toxins from the body.

Ultra-Antioxidant / "Free Radical" Scavenger - Free radicals damage and kill normal cells which can lead to a chain-reaction population explosion of "free radicals" throughout the human body. Left unchecked, these "free radicals" progressively weaken the immune system and can cause heart disease, tumors, arthritis, strokes, cancer, kidney failure, emphysema, etc. Scientific studies have clearly demonstrated that Rhododendron Caucasicum is a tremendously effective ultra- antioxidant" free radical" scavenger. Its constituents include the polyphenolics: catechins, leucopetunidin, leucopeonin, leucocyanidin and leucodelphinidin, plus proanthocyanidins - known and demonstrated powerful antioxidants.

Hyaluronidase Inhibitor - The abnormal release of the enzyme Hyaluronidase is known to be an initiator of colon cancer. Hyaluronidase also weakens and degrades collagen. Furthermore, many researchers theorize that the overall cause of arthritis may be due to the abnormal release of Hyaluronidase. Studies have demonstrated that Rhododendrun Causcasicum inhibits or abolishes the activity of Hyaluronidase.
