Fort Myers Area 2600

Well, I guess the cafe in Barnes & Noble isn't Starbucks, they just sell Starbucks stuff... Oh well.
Also, sorry this page wasn't up until now. It's up now though, so there.

Hey! Thanks for taking an interest in the Fort Myers Area 2600. For your information, we are not (officially) affiliated with 2600 Magazine, nor are we official in any way. We just like computers and want to share knowledge and trade ideas with others.

How 'bout a little background? Well, 2600 Magazine (The Hacker Quarterly) has existed for a pretty long time now. Part of what has grown from that movement is local 2600 meetings wherever readers wanted to take the initiative to start them. That's where we come in. After returning from Beyond HOPE, MrPRiM8 and myself (Bit, you can know our real names if you meet us) decided to start having them in Fort Myers, so here we are.

Anyways, let's get down to business. We meet on the first Friday of each month, from (approximately) 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at Starbucks in Barnes & Noble to discuss security, privacy, hardware, software, basicly anything that comes up. We aren't breaking into computers, tapping phones, pirating software, stealing, killing, jaywalking, or doing anything illegal. These wouldn't be good ideas in a public place. We are getting together to talk, mess around, and just have fun (as well as maybe learn something).

If you are interested, don't hesitate to stop by. Everyone is welcome who has something to say, or is willing to listen. And, hey, word on the street is that there will be free 2600's, as well as other stuff floating around. Just look for a (probably small) group of people sitting in the cafe talking about computers or something, I guess.

Other Stuff: I made this page. I also made the flyer. Pretty cool eh? To go along with the, "...we aren't affiliated..." speal, we also aren't affiliated with CyberStreet. I just happen to be a customer there. Oh yeah, we aren't affiliated with Barnes & Noble either, we just like the place, and it seems like a good location for meetings.