Woodhaven Quinn O'Carrotwood, CGC

Hi, how are you doing? You know I'm Quinn.... better known as Quincy. Also known as Houdini, devil dog, goofball or 'flake'! My mom likes to tease me and call me a flake. Then she found this toy below that when you throw it it says " Your a flake" ! I don't get insulted, I know she's only kidding..... well I think she is! Who cares though, I really like this silly toy!

My Auntie ML made me this beautiful 'danner for Christmas. Can't you tell I like to pose for pictures! Mom gets the camera out and my eyes just light right up! Time to show everybody how cute I am .... don't ya know!

Don't I just look like a perfect angel! Think so.... well sometimes I am. When I'm not stealing everyone elses toys or letting them all out of the house. Doors are fun, they had to put triple locks on the front screen door. One night I got out with Smokey, we decided to go to Grandmas for a swim. Mom finally caught up with us two miles up the way trotting down the road side by side! She wasn't very pleased and really by that time I'd decided it was getting to be a long dark walk. She was really angry, the policeman had almost locked her up because it was 1:30 in the morning and she was riding around in her nightgown and flashing a light in the fields! Well that ended my door opening days. I still like to go in the bathroom and close the door too.... especially when Mom is in there. That way I can have her all to myself. My crate... ha ha I like my crate. I go in and shut the door. I used to collapse the whole thing too, but they put link things on it and I can't unscrew them. I earned the name Houdini!

I love going to the store. It's so much fun protecting the car! For that matter I like stoping at red lights and staring at the person next to us, till they look at me. Then I bark and growl at them! See you thought I had such a sweet face! It's fun to be macho! Now when it comes to smooching, it's a daily ritual that I have to dive bomb my Mom's lap, snuggle my head into her neck and if I can just get her with her hair down.... oh boy is it fun to deflea her! Mom will tell you at dinnertime I am the only one in the house with manners. I sit very quietly waiting for my dinner. These other nuts bark or get all excited. Hmm one of them even thinks he's a pogo stick. Not me, I have dignity!

I love it outside and I love chasing the birds! We used to have a lot of Quails come to the yard, but they just don't come back anymore. The crows are still tormenting me though. They sit on top of the arbor, I drool and Mom tells me to bring them! I try, but I just can't figure out how I'm supposed to get to the top of an arbor! Someday maybe I'll figure it out!

It sure was nice to see you again. Make sure you come back next month..... it will be my second birthday!

You all come back!