This is me at 20 weeks. They don't call me Woodhaven Finn MacCool for nothing! I am a real cool guy! I'm going to school, where they teach me how to stand. As if I didn't already know how to do that! But it's fun & I've made a lot of friends. Mom said she was taking me to a dog show & put me in something called a "match". So we got rolled up & ready!

We went to this huge place. There were people & dogs everywhere. It was lots of fun, I got to stand up like in school & even got to run around what they call a ring. Then they gave me a 2nd place ribbon, which my Nana took & kept waving in my face. You know how Grandmothers are!


When I got home, I told Smokey all about it and he said I'd just learn to like all that junk. He was glad I had a good time. Nana even bought me a new Teddy Bear to sleep with.

The next day was more fun. Mom let me play with my bird, but only in the garage. I still like to keep it, so she won't let me take it outside like the bumpers. I love this, almost as much as swimming!


For more pictures of me check out the Scrapbook on our Homepage

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