Woodhaven Finn MacCool, CD CGC TDI

( 10 months old )

Here we go again! I should know by now that everytime they start fooling with my hair it means were going someplace important.  Well at least this time Mom didn't take my picture with those curlers again! Geez, something was said about me shedding & being out of coat. I thought I had plenty!

This time we went to a park in Venice, Florida to an Obedience Show. I thought the place was neat, nice big trees with this weird stuff hanging all over them and 2 nice lakes with ducks to watch! (he he)

Now don't you think this is a great place to take a Labrador Retriever for his first Obediece test!

My Mom better be honest on this dumb stunt! She got the entry for the show and was so happy to have a show only an hour away, that she didn't read the fine print on the second page. It plainly said "All Showing Outdoors", but she didn't bother to read it and mailed it in.  Three weeks before the show, she found out that the show was outdoors and in this lovely park ... ....

It was funny because I had never done obedience outside, only inside on rubber mats at school. We never practice outside in the summer, because it is to hot. Personally I thought it was a great mistake. Heck, in the next two weeks I got to see a couple of different parks in town and to check out all the good sniffing places! Sure gave Mom indigestion though!

Back to the nice park... Here's the ring I was to do my little test in. No not up there under those tents folks, but at the bottom of the picture in that little ring fence area. Note... not a tree here for shade and they expected me to sit out there in the sun! Worse yet I couldn't sniff & heaven forbid if I piddled in the ring!

The weather was awful. The first day we got some front & it was so windy that I couldn't even smell the Wild Hog cooking for the dinner after the show. It was so windy I could hardly hear Mom, let alone the Judge. Then early the second morning we had a second weather front come through with lots of rain. It turned everything into one big sloppy mudd puddle. By the time Mom got her armband with my number on it, I was sopping wet, covered with mud and so was Mom. I thought she looked "cool" that way and couldn't help but enjoy all the mud!

I decided under those conditions not to push my luck, so I was a good fella in the ring and did my best.



Nov 1, 1997

2nd Place

Nov 2, 1997

2nd Place

Nov 22, 1997

 Score 190

I finished my CD in three straight shows on November 22, 1997 and  then qualified for an extra 4th time on November 23rd at the Lee Civic Center, North Fort Myers, FL.  At least this show was indoors. A very big busy show with 1310 all breed dogs for me to look at! On the second day of the show, there was a Labrador Sweepsteaks with 93 Labradors entered. I really enjoyed seeing all the other Labs, nice to see a lot of my kind all in one place! Had a very good time!

Mom bought me a new Teddy Bear and a hamburger each day on the way home!! That was really neat!

See ya all next month!

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