Credit for Security

You are guaranteed to qualify for two unsecured credit cards just by meeting our basic requirements.

At least 18 years of age?
Make at least $95 a week?
Have a valid Social Security number?
Been at your current job at least 6 months?

You Qualify!!!

How Our Service Works

We understand that gaining or regaining good credit is not an easy thing to do. Having credit problems restricts millions of hard working Americans from realizing the financial security that a credit card can bring. Now, since you've met our basic requirements, you can finally have the credit that you so richly deserve.

We are affiliated with every high risk credit card lender in the U.S.A. We will simply take your Research Request Application and submit your credit, income and employment status to each one of them.

NOTE: We have a unique, new credit verification system which allows us to submit your credit information to every "high risk" credit card company in the U.S.A. without adding a single inquiry to your credit file.

All of the credit card companies that say, "Yes, we'll give this person a chance", will be added to your file. When our search is complete you will get a detailed list displaying the information about each credit card company that agreed to give you a chance.

You will be accepted even if you have been turned down for a credit card before.

Most of our bank sources do not advertise nationally, they rely on us and other companies like ours to help them find individuals who are qualified for their credit card.

These banks and financial institutions realize there is a huge demand for credit cards among individuals with credit problems. Realizing this they are willing to take the risk and give you a chance, or second chance.

Our affiliation with all of these banks allows us to bring this exciting, new service to you.

If you have been looking for a credit card and keep getting turned simply don't know where to look ... Let us look for you ... Quit wasting time and adding inquiries to your credit file. Inquiries damage your credit for 2 years.

Matching you with a credit card
you qualify for is our FIRST PRIORITY!

Credit For Security's CARD SEARCH U.S.A.

Having credit problems is not an easy thing to deal with today in the United States. More than likely you have experienced the heartache that having no credit or troubled credit can bring. You owe it to yourself and your future to overcome the odds that have been stacked against you by the American credit system. We will find sources of credit for help you get started on a new track to financial security.

What would happen if your car needed major repairs...with no or limited buying power could you afford for this to happen?

How many times have you applied for credit at a furniture store, department store, car dealer, jewelry store, bank or any other credit source only to be denied and at the same time damaging your credit for another TWO years?

How many times have you seen an item on television that you wanted or needed and just didn't have the means to make the purchase?

Have you ever tried to rent a car just to find out that you have to put up a deposit just because you didn't have a credit card?

Have you ever tried to make airline or hotel reservations for your well deserved vacation only to find out you would have to pay cash up front just because you didn't have a credit card?

If an emergency happened and you needed money fast would you have the cash available to cover it?

Face it, nobody wants to be burdened by credit problems. Everyone wants to live a financially stable and secure life. You have the money to pay a small credit card WHY won't anybody give you a chance?

You No Longer Have To Ask Why ... We Will Find Someone For You!

If you have ever applied for credit before and been turned down you have simply been looking in the wrong places. There are banks and financial institutions all over the U.S.A. that deal with credit troubled individuals. We are affiliated with all of them.

Each credit card search is conducted on an individual basis by our staff of trained credit professionals. The results you receive will be just for you and no one else. We are not in the business of selling lists that you may have seen advertised.

We will conduct a quality search based on your current credit, income and employment.

You'll get to review the results of your personalized search before you pay our modest Research and Processing fee of $29.

Our Guarantee

If for any reason we cannot find a source of an unsecured credit card for you within 14 days you will not be charged the $29 processing fee and/or the processing fee will be refunded if you are denied a credit card from any source that told us you qualified.

You must apply within 30 days of receiving your complete search results.

All information provided on your application must be matching to the creditors application and your credit file.


"I filed bankruptcy 5 years ago and it was discharged 4 years ago, I have a good job and I pay all of my bills on time. I don't know why I have to live always worrying about something happening that would destroy everything I worked so hard for. I needed the security of a credit card in my wallet, just in case. Credit For Security helped me to find someone to grant me a credit card, I had been looking and looking and getting turned down at every turn. Now I have my credit card and a new peace of mind that just didn't seem possible before. Than you for all you did for me."

-- Eddie Hawkins - Dayton, OH

"I just started my job six months ago and my credit isn't all that perfect, my husband injured his back in a car accident. He needed several hundred dollars worth of prescription drugs and we didn't have any money left in our savings account. We had to borrow money from relatives to get the medicine he needed. I felt awful and was wondering why we had to live this way. After the accident I realized that we needed to get a credit card just in case something like this happened again. If we had a credit card we wouldn't of had to borrow the money from our family. I applied for a credit card with my bank and was rejected, I tried at a few other banks and got rejected again. I finally gave up, I guess they didn't think I could handle a $15 a month credit card payment. I received an offer from Credit For Security and went through with the deal. They were able to find 7 banks that would grant me a credit card. I applied and was accepted for a Visa and a MasterCard. I have you guys to thank for it. I'm glad I found you or I'm glad you found me."

-- Cynthia Jones - San Jose, CA

"I just started school and needed a credit card to start building my credit. Credit For Security helped me find some sources of credit. I now have a Visa card that is helping me build some good credit so I will be able to buy a house when I finish school."

-- Selena Redmond - Durham, NC

"I went through a messy divorce a few years ago and my ex-wife charged up all of our joint credit accounts and didn't pay them off. Since my name was on those accounts my credit suffered big time. I have been going the past 6 years with no source of credit and it is scary. It is just a constant fear that something might happen where I will need some cash quick. Credit For Security helped me find a bank that would grant me a credit card. Now I am on the road to rebuilding my credit and if I want to go buy a new car tomorrow I can. It's a great feeling."

-- Dann Rogers - Altus, OK

Let us help you as we have helped thousands of people to finally gain the security that only a credit card can bring.

Three Easy Ways To Get Started

Submit your application online!

Complete your application and mail it to us for immediate processing!

Send us an email request with your name and postal address
and we'll mail an application to you!
(Subject: "I'd rather have it mailed")

FYI - Credit Repair

The following is provided For Your Information. If you need assistance in repairing your once good credit, this may help. The first thing you need to do is get a copy of your credit reports.

There are 3 major credit bureaus in the U.S.A. they are Experian, Equifax and Trans Union.

Why Do I Need 3 Credit Reports?

Experian, Equifax and Trans Union are 3 entirely different companies. Different creditors report your credit to different credit bureaus ... some report to all 3. You need a copy of all 3 of your credit reports to make sure they are all reporting accurate information about you. You can bet there is a mistake on one or all of your credit reports.

These mistakes or inaccuracies effect millions of Americans in a negative way...and most of them are totally unaware of them. It is not uncommon to find someone else's negative information on your credit file just because you and that someone have the exact same name.

So, how do I get rid of these mistakes?

First step: get a copy of all 3 of your credit reports. Here are the addresses and phone numbers.

P.O. Box 2104
Allen, TX 75013-2104
P.O. Box 105873
Atlanta, GA 30348
Trans Union
P.O. Box 390
Springfield, PA 19064

They will provide you with a copy of your credit report, usually for a fee of $8 per copy, unless you have been denied credit within the last 60 days. The credit bureaus are required by law to provide you with a FREE copy if you have been denied credit within this time period. Note that you may only obtain a free copy if the inquiry was sent to any particular credit bureau by the creditor.

Call the 800#'s above. They are required, by law, to give you instructions on how to obtain your credit report from them.

When you get your credit reports... How Do You Read Them?

Each credit bureau is required, by law, to give you written instructions on how to read your report.

I've found a mistake on my credit file... How do I fix it?

Visit this site: Free on line secrets to credit repair

If you are still confused...don't worry you will receive a handy guide as a Free Bonus when you receive your credit card search results from us.

Apply Now!

Submit an online application!

Mail us your completed application!

Email a request for an application and we'll mail one to you!

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