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Who We Are

Applicant Name: _____________________________________ Assigned Number: _________


The Lee County Medical Society Alliance Foundation has always maintained a position of neutrality in our community. Over the years, we have made every effort to ensure that decisions and choices made by our organization maintained that balance and avoided the appearance of endorsing any side to an issue or organization, particularly where there are distinct differences, factually and emotionally. Information is provided as to past recipients to encourage our members to utilize the following goals in the selection process: 1) DIVERSITY among the applicants and previous recipients as to the NEED being addressed and the POPULATION being served, and; 2) The emphasis on giving funds to those organizations and projects which will have the greatest COMMUNITY IMPACT and touch the greatest number of lives as possible.

Eligibility Checklist


______ Postal Delivery _______________________________________________

______ Postmark Date _______________________________________________

______ Application Signed _______________________________________________

______ Application Complete _______________________________________________

______ Previous Donor/Sponsor *(MR) _______________________________________________

______ Pass Through Foundation _______________________________________________

______ Health Care System _______________________________________________

______ Completion w/in 1 year _______________________________________________

______ Lee County _______________________________________________


______ Tax Status *(MR) _______________________________________________

______ Board List _______________________________________________

______ Project Budget _______________________________________________

______ Prior Receipt of Funds Year _______________ Amount $_________________

Year _______________ Amount $_________________

Year _______________ Amount $_________________

Checklist completed and number assigned by: _______________________________________________

Signature Date


*(MR) – Applies to Major Recipient Only.


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                 Copyright © 1998 Lee County Medical Society Alliance, Inc.  All rights reserved.
              13300-56 S. Cleveland Ave #112
            Ft. Myers, Florida 33907
           Phone: 239-936-1645

           Revised: June 08, 2002.