The Harry Chapin Food Bank of Southwest Florida

Harry Chapin

2126 Alicia St,
Ft Myers, FL 33901
Tel:: 941.334.7007

Fax: 941.337 1399

A Participating
United Way Agency

This site was designed by

and is administered
Pj Kelly

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Help the food bank help those in need...
It's simple, it's easy, it's appreciated.

Every dollar you donate to the Harry Chapin Food Bank generates nine dollars

A $100 donation will allow the food bank to obtain, store and distribute 430 lbs. of food with a retail value of over $900.

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(941) 334 7007

Secure Credit Card Donation
Secure Credit
Card Donation

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2126 Alicia St.
Ft Myers, FL 33919

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(941) 337 1399

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