To Do List History

Number Task Pri Author Created By Tool Created On Modified On Completed Modified By Assigned To Link To Magic Description


Replace Logo Image 1 ? Corporate Presence Web Wizard 08 Oct 1997 12:46:48 -0700 08 Oct 1997 13:05:52 -0700 Y ? ? _private/logo.htm replace the image on this page with your logo image


Customize Home Page 1 ? Corporate Presence Web Wizard 08 Oct 1997 12:46:49 -0700 11 Oct 1997 22:02:16 -0700 Y ? ? Default.htm replace generic text with something more specific to your company


Customize Products Page 1 ? Corporate Presence Web Wizard 08 Oct 1997 12:46:50 -0700 15 Nov 1997 15:40:57 -0800 Y ? ? products.htm create data sheets for your own products