Gary North's Y2K Links and Forums - Mirror

Summary and Comments

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1997-12-10 23:00:16


Examples of Vulnerable Systems: Steel Plant, Pipeline, Refinery,


This was posted (and re-posted) on Peter de Jager's forum. It was in response to the challenge, "show me."

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From: "Leon Kappelman" To: Date: Wed, 12 Nov 1997 09:44:12 -600 (CST6CDT) Subject: Embedded Systems: Hard evidence: y2k risks to embedded system very real!!

The following information was presented at the November meeting of the Energy Industry Y2K SIG, and passed on to us by Jay Abshier, Manager of the Corporate Year 2000 Office at Texaco Inc. Best wishes, Leon Kappelman

----------- Excerpt from formwarded message follows -----------

I am a member of an Energy Industry Y2K SIG (ad hoc) with 19 member companies. Most of us are either pursuing or starting to pursue inventory and assessment of our field systems. Some results are starting to come in. Thought you might be interested.

*Four Alcoa Steel Plants *50% of control systems will fail

*North Sea Expro (Shell-Exxon JV) *Platform, Pipeline and Gas Plants *1200 systems identified, 12% failure rate

*BP Refinery, Grangemouth, UK *94 systems identified *Couldn't find vendor for 20 *74 assessed *3 will fail, 2 will cause shutdown

Jay Abshier Mgr- Corporate Year 2000 Office Texaco Inc Bellaire, Texas

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