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1997-10-22 11:06:26


Will Jacksonville, Florida, Make It?



Here is a report from Jacksonville, Florida (Oct. 20, 1997). Bear in mind that the assessment phase is 5% of a y2k project. About 1% is awareness; 1% is inventory (California White Paper). Jacksonville has not finished with its assessment. At least 85% of its y2k project lies ahead.

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The city has no formal remediation plan in place or formal timetable established for completing its Year 2000 fixes, said Richard Saig, chief of the city's Information Technology Division. But he said the intent is to be ready for the Year 2000 by the beginning of 1999.

But the city appears not to know yet all the things it will have to do to fix whatever Year 2000 problems it has. The reason is that the city is still evaluating the software and hardware it uses, said Saig, who added he is comfortable with the progress the city is making.

The city uses some 12,000 software programs, as well as mainframe computers and about 4,000 personal computers, which are involved in activities as disparate as police work, firefighting and tax collecting.

Until that process is finished, which will take several more months, the city will not know how much to budget, Saig said. . . .

The Jacksonville Electric Authority's billing system has 6 million to 8 million lines of code to be checked, fixed and tested, with completion scheduled for December 1998, said spokesman Clyde Montgomery.

The checked and repaired system will go on line in February 1999, he said.


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