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1997-10-03 16:22:31


PC Specialist says We're Not Beyond the Awareness Phase


Karl Feilder is a specialist in the PC market. He is the head of Greenwich Mean Time, a South African firm. It sells a PC testing program. He lectures widely. I met him in early 1997 the day he lectured to over a hundred employees of the state of Texas. He says we are still in the awareness phase, i.e., phase one.

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October 2, 1997

In my recent speaking tour on the PC year 2000 issues, which took me to Scandinavia, Australia, and back and forth across the USA, I saw NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER that the awareness stage is over.

My presentation is a detailed 1 to 2 hour explanation (with examples) of the different layers of the hardware, software, and data layer PC year 2000 problem, and could generally be described as an awareness presentation.

In LA, Orlando, and San Francisco, I addressed more than 1000 people in three sessions. These were all "standing room only" events.

I am not so stupid as to believe that these people were stacked into the rooms because I am in any way special. Rather they are absolutely DESPERATE for information , cutting a path through the lies and misguided opinions of naysayers.

Some of the attendees blackened out their company names, so that no-one would see them in a PC awareness seminar, many simply refused to wear their badges.

Most of these attendees seemed to come from larger organizations (very difficult to quantify, but based on a straw poll), and we have certainly not penetrated down to the small and medium sized businesses. If we had, then there would be thousands of people wanting the information , rather than just hundreds.

And these conferences were in countries which are LEADING the year 2000 awareness league.

In common with other year 2000 speakers, I am still being asked to give awareness presentations to company executives well into Summer 1998.

Hope this gives a bit more perspective on the awareness issue - it hasn't really started yet ....... let alone ended.

Karl W. Feilder,

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