Gary North's Y2K Links and Forums - Mirror

Summary and Comments

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1997-10-01 18:18:19


Minnesota: 83m Lines of Code, 50 Languages



Here is a state that at least knows what its problem is. Fewer than one-third in the United States have done a y2k assessment. (See previous posting.)

Here are a few of its problems. The question is: How can these be solved in the time remaining?

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Lines of code and database records only show part of the picture. Programming languages, system interfaces, and date failures prior to January 1, 2000, add to problem complexity. The following items profile the complexity of the approximately 1,100 customized applications:

Over 50 programming languages are used.

These applications include thousands of internal and external system interfaces.

Agencies have identified 52 applications that are expected to fail before January 1, 2000, if not corrected.

Purchased Products

Purchased products include hardware, such as mainframes, midranges, and personal computers; and packaged software products such as word processing, spreadsheet products, and network software. In general, purchased products are not Year 2000 compliant.

Computer Hardware Products

The State's computer hardware assets of over 20,000 computers are at risk of being non-compliant. The total does not include Minnesota State Colleges and Universities or the Legislative and Judicial Branches. Mainframes are large systems such as IBM MVS or Unisys, used by agencies such as the Departments of Administration, Revenue, Economic Security, and Public Safety. Midrange are smaller systems with less capacity such as the IBM AS/400 or DEC VAX, used by agencies such as the Departments of Natural Resources, Public Safety, and Human Services. The smallest platforms are workstations such as personal computers or client/server environments which represent 98 percent of the hardware inventory and are used by nearly every agency.

Packaged Software Products

The State purchases a wide variety of packaged software applications from over 300 vendors. Each vendor is developing its own method and time table for providing Year 2000 compliant products. Most have targeted a future date for compliance while some products will no longer be supported.


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