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1997-09-29 22:54:05


Programmer Admits to Burnout: Management Resists Y2K


This was posted on de Jager's site on Sept. 29.

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Date: Fri, 26 Sep 1997 11:08:19 -0400 (EDT)

After being involved in Y2K since early 1996 I am experiencing a different kind of burnout. Trying to make people aware of Y2K, convincing them of the need to inventory, evaluate and assess, prodding them to remediate, getting people to take ownership of their projects, reminding them of deadlines, getting input at the proper time, coordinating and verifying testing, encouraging people making purchases to incorporate Y2K into their planning, continuing multiple follow ups with vendors, suppliers, and customer, and in general dealing with a wide variety of folks that are disinterested or just donít get it, etc. A Y2K project person is like the plague to these folks, a real interruption to their already busy schedules. There is so much negative energy that I find myself getting to the point of apathy.

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