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1997-09-19 15:47:24


Britain: 6 Million Jobs Will Disappear, Guenier Says


Robin Guenier, who runs the tiny Taskforce 2000, is the loudest voice sounding the alarm in Great Britain. No one is listening.

THE INDEPENDENT (Sept. 19) reported that he estimates that 6 million jobs will be lost in Great Britain as a result of y2k.

Three days layer, the link was dead.

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Guenier spelled out the threat in cold, hard figures. On the most optimistic assumptions, he said that any large- or medium-sized business which had not made an adequate start on ensuring that its computer systems were ready for the change of century by the end of the current financial year, next April, risked business failure.

"The indications are that only about 20 per cent of large businesses and 10 per cent of medium size business have made such a start," he told the minister. "That means that about 40,000 businesses with about 6 million employees have not. The possible failure of so many businesses represents an unprecedented threat to the economy."

Mr Guenier said: "I can find no one who understands the problem who doubts this. This is extraordinarily worrying - almost beyond belief. But no one seems to want to listen."

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