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1997-09-17 18:35:47


Medicare: Back to the Drawing Board!


An Associated Press report (Sept. 16) reports on a New York Times story: the government on September 15 cancelled the Medicare upgrade known as MTS.

It's back to y2k gradualism for now. "Medicare officials said Monday that they planned to try a more gradual approach to overhauling their computer systems."

Gradualism? How does a snail move to gradualism? I know: slowly.

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The Clinton administration has canceled its multimillion-dollar order for a computer system that bureaucrats had hoped would simplify Medicare payments and help root out fraud, The New York Times reported today.

The Department of Health and Human Services ordered GTE, the main contractor, to ``stop all work, make no further shipments, place no further orders and terminate all subcontracts,'' according to an Aug. 15 letter obtained by the Times on Monday.

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For background, see the link, "Medicare: Government Reports on a Looming Crisis" (May 26).

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