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1997-08-20 11:02:26


White House Public Relations Letter on Y2K


This was posted on Peter de Jager's Year 2000 discussion forum. It was sent to one of the participants, who posted it.

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From:The President's Commission [SMTP:COMMENTS@PCCIP.GOV] Sent:Friday, August 15, 1997 9:50 AM To:'Snyder Gokey' Subject:RE: Focus of President's Commission

Dear Mr. Gokey:

Thank you for your message to the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure on the Year 2000 problem. Your lastest message, like your earlier emails, has been forwarded internally to Commission members who are looking at this issue.

The Year 2000 problem is an issue with potentially serious ramifications for a wide range of organizations, and it is an issue that needs to be addressed seriously. The PCCIP was tasked by President Clinton to assess the scope and nature of the vulnerabilities of, and threats to, critical infrastructures, and the Commission will not fail to consider Y2K issues as they relate to the critical infrastructures both in its internal deliberations and in the preparation of its report to the President.

We thank you for your interest in the work of the President's Commission. Please visit our Web site in the future for updates on the Commission; our home page is located at .

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