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1997-07-19 00:00:00


Senior American Programmer Writes Y2K Survival Book



Edward Yourdon is the author of two dozen books on mainframe programming. He is among the most respected mainframe programmers in America -- or anywhere else, for that matter.

He and his daugter are writing a book called "Fallback." It's on how y2k will affect us and our families. He is publishing it free of charge, chapter by chapter, on his Web site.

This is a very important book, not just for what it says -- we had better get moving, literally -- but also for who Yourdon is. He is no "apocalyptic" newsletter writer. He is an internationally respected expert in mainframe programming.

The publication of this book is proof that those of us who expect a serious economic breakdown are not on the lunatic fringe. If anything, those who confidently deny such a breakdown are on the lunatic fringe -- so deep into the denial of reality that they will not respond to evidence.

From this point on, those who deny the high probability of an international crisis are on the defensive. They can no longer legitimately invoke the ever-invisible "experts" who "say" that this breakdown cannot happen, that there will be a silver bullet. They can no longer dismiss warnings like mine as alarmist.

If "Fallback," isn't alarmist, I'd hate to read -- let alone experience -- something that really is alarmist.


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