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1997-06-26 00:00:00


Kiss the IRS Goodbye



The U.S. Internal Revenue Service told Congress in mid-June that it will need an additional $258 million in 1998 to become y2k-compliant.

"The size of the need as we have scoped this is getting larger and larger," Treasury Department deputy secretary Lawrence Summers told the Senate Appropriations Committee Treasury, Postal Service and General Government Subcommittee on Thursday [June 19].

"They found out that every single platform -- all IRS applications and databases -- is in danger of noncompliance." So testified Susan Marshall, of Federal Sources, Inc., of McLean, Virginia. "This is an iterative process. Their costs are going to escalate as each year passes."

Reported FEDERAL COMPUTER WEEK (June 23), "Whether the IRS will get these, or any, additional funds next year is unclear. Lawmakers are already showing reluctance to add any money to the agency's coffers."

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