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1998-06-08 17:24:35


Two-Thirds of the U.S. Army's Systems Are not Compliant



This is bad news.

This is from FEDERAL COMPUTER WEEK (June 1).

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GAO reported that 120 of the Army's 376 mission-critical automated information and embedded weapons systems still need Year 2000 reprogramming. And as of February 1998, 12,120 -- nearly two-thirds -- of the Army's 19,731 nonmission-critical systems still required Year 2000 fixes.

Army components have identified 1,009 system interfaces requiring Year 2000 fixes, the GAO report noted, but the service "lacks most of the detailed information it needs to monitor and oversee...efforts to ensure that systems data can be exchanged effectively at the Year 2000."

GAO sharply faulted the Army Materiel Command's Year 2000 efforts, saying the command had not estimated the costs to fix 382 of its 505 systems. "AMC data have a significant impact on the Army's Year 2000 efforts because AMC and its components own approximately 93 percent of the systems the Army reported as not being Year 2000- compliant," GAO reported.


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