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1998-05-29 12:24:42


Texaco: Almost Finished With Inventory



Texaco is working on its inventory. It will soon be finished with this phase, it says.

Problem: the California White Paper says that awareness is the first 1% of a y2k project, inventory is the next 1%, and assessment is 5%. Then the hard work begins.

Perhaps Texaco's situation is different.

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Current Status

Applications: We have identified over 800 applications that need Year 2000 modifications. This represents a 60 person-year effort. This effort is approximately 70% complete as of April 1998, and is on track for completion by the end of 1998.

Computer Hardware: Our inventories of computer hardware are approximately 95% complete. A project plan is in place to bring these into compliance no later than June 1999. While this does not meet the Jan. 1999 objective, this schedule will be completed before any failures will occur and represents the most cost-effective method of fixing this problem.

Telecommunications: Domestic US inventories of telecommunications equipment are approximately 98% complete. Most equipment has been determined to be Year 2000 Compliant. The effort to inventory our equipment internationally is more difficult, but should be completed by August 1998.

Embedded Systems: We have approximately 60% of our control systems inventoried, with completion anticipated no later than July 1998. Based on lessons learned from completed projects, we can anticipate finding problems in about 2% to 4% of these systems. This will allow adequate time to replace most, if not all, of these systems by the end of 1998. The lead-time on replacing some control systems may delay replacement until 1Q99. If this occurs, replacement or repair will be completed long before failures are expected Jan 1, 2000.


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