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1998-05-29 11:57:04


FAA: Future Tense for Every Phase of Its Y2K Project



How well has the FAA done? Not well. The grammar of its site reveals this.

The FAA site's publication committee adopted the future tense to describe all five phases of the FAA's remediation project. This includes awareness.

The California White Paper says that awarenesss is the first 1% of a y2k project. Then comes inventory (1%). Then comes assessment (5%). Then comes code repair (about 53%). Then comes testing (about 40%). The FAA speaks of its awareness campaign in the future tense.

This is not good.

* * * * * * * * *

The Awareness Phase

The objective of this initial phase of the Year 2000 repair life-cycle is to alert organizations to the fact that the problem is applicable to their operations and that they must assign a critical priority to their Year 2000 efforts. A critical step in this phase is the establishment of an FAA Year 2000 Program Office to develop an overall strategy and ensure that all organizations are aware and equipped to carry it out. The FAA Year 2000 Program Office has accepted the responsibility of providing leadership in defining and explaining the importance of achieving Year 2000 compliance, selecting the overall approach for structuring the FAA's Year 2000 program, assessing the adequacy of the existing infrastructure to support the Year 2000 efforts, and mobilizing needed resources.

The FAA's Year 2000 awareness activities include the development of a high level assessment plan. The findings of this activity will be analyzed to identify critical applications, inadequate commitments, or lack of problem awareness. The analysis will be discussed with Associate Administrators and Year 2000 Program Managers in the lines of businesses (LOBs) as part of the awareness campaign. The Year 2000 Program Managers will work with Directors and senior management of all Directorates and Regions to ensure that the potential impact of the Year 2000 problem on their systems and operations is understood. Awareness of the problem will be further enhanced once documents are prepared and presented to assist FAA organizations with a structured approach to assessing and repairing systems.


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